Uncle Todd: I was thinking about building a new house but I need to come up with some cool ideas. Can you help me decide what kinds of things I should build into my house?
Cody: A bathroom and a TV and a floor and some stairs amd maybe walls. Pictures of all your stuff and blinds and make a bed. And a big swimsuit and take your swimsuit so we can go swimming and put an alarm in your house and a fence and a dresser and some fans and some lights and some rooms and some cups, tools, work out with your tools and excercising stuff and some doors.
Uncle Todd: Should I build a moat around it?
Cody: Uh Yeah, so you can put fish and sharks in it. I mean not sharks, crabs. You must put crabs in his water. He must put sea horses in his water.
Uncle Todd: Should I have secret rooms? I can't decide anything and that is why I need your help.
Cody: Yes, I'm going to have secret rooms too and a secret door that's magic. And do you know what I say to make it open? Abracadabra. And the door is invisible, only Dallin and me can see it. But if you put your hands on it you can feel it and if you just ask what the secret word is I'll just tell them. And do you know what is on my door. A storm collecture. Thats something that makes storms just go Whoosh and it blows them away. My house is all the way up in the clouds and I'll buy some magic beans and I'll just water them and water them until it's big enough to go up to my house.
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